Thread Lift in New York

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What Is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift involves inserting a medical-grade thread under the skin to reduce sagging and increase elasticity. It can also lead to the increased production of collagen for a more youthful look. 

We can recommend different types of threads, including PDO and InstaLift, based on your specific goals and skin health. If you’re interested in thread lifting, schedule an appointment with us today, and let’s talk about what’s right for you.

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Benefits of Thread Lifting

There are many reasons why someone may opt for a thread lift. Some of the key benefits include the following:

  • It’s a much lower risk treatment than traditional facelifts.
  • The results can be long-lasting.
  • There’s very minimal downtime for recovery—in most cases, you can return to your regular activities within a week.

What to Expect During a Thread Lift

Before the procedure, it’s recommended to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol, green tea, fish oils, and tobacco for at least 5 days. This can reduce your risk of bruising or bleeding. 

When you arrive, your face will be disinfected, and you’ll be given a local anesthetic to numb the area. After you’re comfortably seated in a reclined chair, multiple threads will be inserted under your skin and secured in place. The entire procedure usually takes at least 1 hour.

What Happens After a Thread Lift?

After the procedure, you may experience some swelling and bruising for the first week. Recovery from a threadlift can be quicker than a traditional facelift since it’s less invasive. However, you may need to avoid exercise and sleep with an elevated pillow to avoid pressure on treated areas.

We encourage you to stay away from rubbing your face during the first week after your procedure to prevent any threads from shifting out of place. We also suggest you avoid sleeping on your side, visiting saunas, and do vigorous exercise.

Polydioxanone (PDO) & InstaLift

Either InstaLift and PDO threads can be inserted under the skin to tighten, lift, and contour your face. They can also stimulate collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and provide a smoother appearance. What differentiates InstaLift from PDO threads is the use of bi-directional cones to lift sagging skin and the ability to encourage more production of collagen. 

Dr. Kung will recommend one of these treatments based on your aesthetic concerns and goals.

Combining Fillers & Threads

It’s quite common for thread lifting and dermal fillers to be used together for enhanced results. Merging threads with fillers can increase the youthful effects, because while the threads help tighten and lift the skin, dermal fillers can add more volume to your face. This can create an overall more youthful look with more visible results.

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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