SmoothGlo in New York

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Treat Your Skin to Luxury

Dreaming of radiant skin and a natural glow? It’s time to invest in yourself and prioritize your aesthetic goals.

With SmoothGlo, you can get brighter, smoother, and firmer skin. Using 2 clinically proven technologies, it simultaneously targets tone, texture, and volume.

Whether you’re trying to eliminate fine lines or address other skin conditions, your skincare goals are always our priority. Schedule an appointment today and begin a journey that can lead to smoother and brighter skin.

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Benefits of SmoothGlo

Imagine the convenience of treating all your skin concerns with 1 treatment. SmoothGlo makes that possible.

  • Minimal downtime and a gentle healing phase: You won’t have to miss a day of work or skip out on social events.
  • It can improve skin tone and texture: SmoothGlo can get rid of dark spots and reduce wrinkles.
  • It adds volume to your face: SmoothGlo can add volume to your face by improving your natural production of hyaluronic acid.

What to Expect During a SmoothGlo Treatment

A SmoothGlo treatment combines intense pulsed light (IPL) and RF microneedling to deliver an improved skin tone and texture, leaving you with a more youthful look.

The treatment starts with IPL to remove dark spots, unwanted blood vessels, and increase your skin’s water content. This helps set the stage for the second part of the treatment—RF microneedling. 

During this part of the treatment, your skin’s elevated moisture is exposed to an electrical charge that can improve your skin texture, contour your face, and add volume. RF microneedling with SmoothGlo minimizes discomfort with some of the finest microneedles available globally.

Multiple sessions are typically needed to see lasting results, but you may start noticing improvements after the first session.

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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