Neuromodulators in New York

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Smoother Skin in Minutes

When you live in the hustle and bustle of New York, time is of the essence. Getting treated at Future Bright Dermatology means you can have smoother skin in little to no time. 

Trying to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles? You’re not alone. They’re some of the most common skin concerns. With neuromodulators, a small amount of neurotoxins are injected under your skin to relax your facial muscles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

You deserve to have radiant skin at any age. Gift yourself a personal consultation so you can look and feel like your best self.

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What Are the Benefits of Neuro-modulators?

Neurotoxins have become popularover the last 30 years for many reasons. Here are a few:

  • Quick treatment: These treatments are quick, so there’s no need to block out an entire day.
  • Quick results: You can see results in as little as 3–5 days, and results can last 3–4 months.
  • No downtime: Don’t worry about taking time off work or interrupting your schedule. This is a noninvasive procedure with no downtime needed for recovery.

Preparing for Neurotoxin Injections

Before neurotoxin injections, we ask that you let us know about any medical conditions or medications you may be taking. 

Feel free to let us know about any concerns or desired outcomes you have to help us create an experience further tailored to your needs.

After Your Treatment

There is minimal downtime after this procedure. For most people, initial results from neurotoxin injections can be seen within the first week. Full results are typically noticed around 10–14 days after treatment. 

The toxins from the injection can wear off, and your muscles may relax again around 3–4 months after your treatment. Regular injections may be needed to sustain your desired look.

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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