Moles & Benign Lesion Removal in New York

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Solutions for Healthier Skin

Your skin is one of the many things that makes you unique. It should also make you feel confident, but concerns about skin growths can get in the way of that. We offer different treatments to remove moles and benign lesions, including laser-based treatments.

Beautiful skin is possible for everyone. At Future Bright Dermatology, our goal is for you to feel at ease in our hands—and with your skin.

Book a consultation with us today for a customized treatment plan based on your skin concerns.

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What Types of Benign Grows Can Be Removed?

A mole is a benign growth on your skin that can be the same color as your skin or a darker shade. They can be anywhere on your body, either by themselves or in groups. 

Other types of benign lesions include dermatosis papulosa nigra, seborrheic keratoses, cysts, skin tags, and milia.

Mole & Skin Growth Removal

Should you require the removal of a benign mole or skin growth, Dr. Kung can help you. Based on the nature of the growth, Dr. Kung can determine if a scalpel procedure or laser treatment is the appropriate option.

  • Scalpel procedures: For this treatment, a scalpel is used to remove a benign mole or skin growth. Then, your skin is stitched to help it heal.
  • Laser treatments: For this procedure, the benign growth is targeted and destroyed with a laser device. Laser treatments are more commonly an option for dermatosis papulosa nigra or seborrheic keratoses.

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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