IPL Treatment in New York

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Rejuvenate Your Skin & Enhance Your Beauty with IPL

When you look in the mirror, you should love what you see. Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) can help you feel as youthful and radiant on the outside as you do on the inside. 

M22 IPL by Lumenis can simultaneously target and address several skin conditions with controlled light pulses directed to the skin. Whether your skin is affected by acne, sun damage, rosacea, age spots, or wrinkles, IPL can be a fantastic way to address these concerns and see positive, long-lasting results.

Let’s help you bring your inner beauty out to the surface. Book an appointment today to get started with IPL.

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Benefits of IPL

IPL can be a great option for people wanting to improve the appearance of their skin with a gentle, noninvasive treatment. Some key benefits of this treatment include the following:

  • It’s convenient: IPL can address multiple skin conditions and get rid of unwanted hair at the same time with quick, safe sessions. 
  • It’s gentle on the skin: You should feel minimal discomfort during the treatment. 
  • It can provide long-lasting results: With IPL, you can enjoy smoother, fresher skin for up to 1 year.

What to Do Before IPL Treatment

The first step to getting your IPL treatment is a consultation to assess the current state of your skin and establish a good understanding of your aesthetic goals.

Before receiving treatment, we highly suggest you avoid the following to achieve optimal results:

  • Direct sun exposure
  • Tanning beds
  • Exfoliating products and treatments
  • Waxing, chemical peels, or collagen shots
  • Products that cause skin sensitivity

Following these guidelines helps prepare your skin for treatment and maximize results afterwards.

What Happens During IPL Treatment?

During the procedure, a device will be used to deliver light waves directly to your skin. While that is happening, you may feel a warm snap and see a flash of light each time a light pulse is delivered. 

To help alleviate this sensation, a numbing gel can be applied to the target area before treatment.

To see results, a series of sessions is typically required. Each session is roughly 30 minutes long. The exact amount of sessions needed varies based on individual treatment plans. Some people may see enhanced results with combined treatments that incorporate other technologies, such as SmoothGlo.

& After

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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