Dermal Fillers in New York

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Renew Volume & Soften Fine Lines & Wrinkles

At Future Bright Dermatology, our goal is for all our patients to look and feel their best. Dermal fillers can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face that may be causing concerns.

Dermal fillers can be injected into the temples, cheeks, smile lines, jawline, nose, and even lips to help contour the face.

We can recommend the right approach to fillers based on the skin concern you’d like to address. Patients usually see results soon after, and those results can last months or even years.

If you’re interested in getting dermal fillers and would like to learn more, schedule an appointment with us!

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Benefits of Dermal Fillers

There are many reasons people choose to get dermal fillers, including the following:

  • Reducing fine lines: Dermal fillers can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Adding volume to your face: Fillers can replenish lost volume and help tighten your face. 
  • Contouring facial features and shape: Fillers can enhance your nasal bridge, plump up your lips, and improve your jawline.

What Happens During a Dermal Filler Procedure?

First, we’ll assess your facial shape, features, and skin quality, and determine which filler is best suited for your goals. The fillers we offer include Versa, RHA, Restylane, Radiesse, Sculptra, and Bellafill, all of which can provide significant lasting results.

We’ll clean the surface of your skin, and give you an anesthetic cream to numb the area and reduce discomfort. The filler will then be injected under your skin in small amounts at the target areas we discussed.

What Happens After a Dermal Filler Procedure?

After getting dermal fillers, your skin may feel sore and swollen. We may recommend using an ice pack and taking acetaminophen to reduce discomfort. Tenderness can last for a few days after the procedure but usually goes away on its own without medication.

Many patients see results immediately after the treatment, but your results can vary depending on the type of fillers used. It can take up to 4 weeks for the full results to appear.

Fillers & Thread Lifting: The Combo You Didn’t Know You Needed

Combining fillers with thread lifting can be a great way to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Together, thread lifting and fillers can provide balanced, long-lasting results.

Fillers can add volume to your face, help your skin look smooth, and reduce lines. Thread lifting can enhance the results of fillers by lifting sagging skin and adding more definition to your face. They can also increase collagen production and skin elasticity, leaving you with a youthful look.

& After

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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