Alma TED Hair Restoration in New York

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Build Back Your Confidence with Alma TED

Anyone can have hair loss for a myriad of reasons, including stress, aging, hormonal changes, or certain medical conditions. Aesthetic care is not just about treating the skin. Your hair is part of that too. 

People with hair loss may experience hair thinning, receding hairlines, or random bald spots. We understand the insecurities hair loss can come with. This is why we’re proud to offer solutions that can help restore your hair and confidence.

If you’re struggling with hair loss and are looking for a solution, you can book a consultation with us. We’d love to learn more about your needs and how we can help.

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What Is Alma TED?

Alma TED hair restoration is a quick, noninvasive treatment that can restore lost hair. 

The ultrasound energy, air pressure, and proprietary hair growth formula work together to strengthen hair follicles, support your scalp health, and help you produce thicker, fuller hair.

Types of Hair Loss

Your hair frames your face. It’s a feature that can make you feel confident about your appearance. We understand the insecurities and frustrations losing your hair may come with. It can happen for many reasons, including age or genetic conditions.

You deserve to feel like your best self and our goal is to restore your confidence by stimulating your hair growth. Hair loss comes in different forms and can happen for a variety of reasons. 3 of the most common types of hair loss are androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium.

Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic condition where the hairline begins to recede and the hair on the front of the scalp gradually disappears. Men with this condition may begin seeing hair loss in their teens or early 20s. Women with this condition may start having hair thinning from the age of 40 and up.

Alopecia areata can cause hair loss in people of all ages. It starts suddenly and can lead to total baldness. The good news is for most people with this condition, their hair can grow back after a couple of months.

Telogen effluvium is caused by changes to the growth cycle of your hair and can lead to temporary hair thinning and shedding. It can be triggered by stress, medical conditions, hormonal changes (including pregnancy), or hair bleaching.

Benefits of the Alma TED Treatment

Some of the benefits of Alma TED hair loss treatments include the following:

  • It’s noninvasive: Alma TED is 100% needle-free. This noninvasive treatment can be a more comfortable experience compared to other treatments that may cause trauma to your scalp (such as PRP injections).
  • It can provide results fast: Some people see results as quickly as 3–4 months after treatment.
  • It’s a quick procedure: Sessions are only 45 minutes long, and no anesthetic is needed.

& After

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

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