FAQ in New York

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Ask Away! We’re Here to Nurture Your Curiosity

At Future Bright Dermatology, empowering you is our purpose. Dr. Kung is passionate about skincare education, and she’s regularly featured as an expert in news and media publications.

We’re dedicated to fostering your curiosity. Your questions are valued here.

You can get started by checking out a selection of frequently asked questions. You’re also welcome to get in touch and ask us in person, whether or not you’re ready for a treatment. 

Our priority is to cultivate a sense of confidence and comfort in your journey with us, beginning with an enriched understanding of skincare.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t need to have a specific treatment in mind before you meet with us. But if there’s an experience you’ve been eyeing, we’re happy to discuss it with you.

Our approach is rooted in personalization. Your treatment always starts with a conversation, so we can understand your unique needs. We offer recommendations to guide you from your initial consultation towards envisioning and achieving your skincare goals.

Every treatment is different, which can mean we recommend slightly different tips for recovery. At our clinic, we pride ourselves on providing treatments designed for minimal downtime, allowing you to swiftly return to your daily activities.

For certain treatments, a period of gentle rest may be advisable—which might mean skipping the gym for a day or 2. We’ll always give you a comprehensive breakdown of what to expect before, during, and after your treatment.

We can help improve overall skin health and address a diverse spectrum of skin concerns, from persistent conditions like rosacea, acne, and scarring to rejuvenating your overall aesthetic, softening the markers of aging, and repairing sun-damaged skin.

Each solution we offer is tailored to meet your unique needs, helping you rediscover the joy of loving your skin.

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

Our Services

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