Aesthetics Solutions & Skin Care Education in New York Future Bright Dermatology

Give your face a triLift

Experience a 3-in-1 approach to revitalize, lift, and transform your look with one quick treatment. 

Book your appointment today to discover triLift by Lumenis.

Efficient, Effective, Expertise: Skin Care That Goes Beyond Skin Deep

Welcome to Future Bright Dermatology, your sanctuary for skin health amidst the hustle of New York City. 

We understand the unique challenges urban life can pose to your skin, and we’ve tailored our philosophy to treat and teach. Every visit enlightens, and every treatment is a step towards skin wellness. 

Dr. Kung is an esteemed Yale and Harvard alumna who brings her extensive expertise directly to you—whether it’s through innovative skin therapies or sharing knowledge in various publications.

Experience luxury and clinical skin care at Future Bright Dermatology, where your skin shines as bright as the city lights.

Solutions for Your Skin Goals

Our Services

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